About Me

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I'm an artist & designer, in my heart and my soul. As a child I remember myself creating things from a different objects, always trying to change and renovate (my parents didn't like it so much). 10 years later I have a B.Design and until that very moment I create and thankful for that passion growing inside of me and letting me bring smiles on people faces. My inspirations are everywhere - architecture, landscapes, metal working, painting, photography and street art , but most of all it's nature!

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Plastic Fantastic!

Jewelry, jewelry and....photography! How creative and magical could it be , when both of these branches are melted together? The possibilities are endless....Tomaas - is one of those examples for that kind of creation. In his works - you can look at that silent picture and hear the story in your mind, feel the warmth of these objects and smell the fragrance....

Plastic Fantastic!